Just about every pundit has now said it in their year-end copy: What an incredible year was 2022! Who could have predicted it? blah, blah, blah. So I won’t insult you with a repeat. Only to say that I believe you ain’t seen nothin’ yet
Tag: tesla
Look at that – can the Dow really be at 32,950??? The UK gilt and sterling market banker bigwigs seem to be happy that one of their own (by sheer coincidence an ex-Goldman banker) Sunak is now at the helm. But I am not so
Did you hear that rattle? That loud noise was the same one as before – cans being punted down the road. And that screech of squealing tyres was the sound of U-turns being performed by the government. So the laudable small government, low tax, high
On Wednesday, the Fed bowed to the inevitable by following what the market has already decided – by raising interest rates. But with the new Fed Funds rate of 0.5%, it remains at historically low levels.
Stock indexes are now in full-blown retreat, as I intimated from last week’s blog caption ‘It drops slowly – then all at once’. Last week the Dow lost almost 2,000 pts. See what I mean? Markets usually fall a lot faster than they rise as is encapsulated in the aphorism You fall out of the window faster than you climb the stairs.