The Dow made a major low on October 13 at 28,600. Since then it has rallied to 34,000 – a gain of 5,400 pts (almost 20%) in just five weeks. That is a very sharp rally. And that is exactly the kind of rally we
The social media phenomenon was a child of the Great Bull Market and appears to be in terminal decline as the Great Bear Market gathers pace. The problems being faced by Facebook, Snap and many others are now coming to light with Musk’s buy-out of
It was really no contest – Biden against the oil market and OPEC’s dominant role in it. Biden desperately wants cheaper gas (petrol) so that his poll ratings can improve enough to produce a Democratic win in next month’s mid-terms. But OPEC wants the oil
The most famous investor of today has to be Warren Buffett. His acolytes hang on his every word and try desperately to emulate his methods – and with their succes usually falling short in the process. When asked for his favourite time scale for holding
Many small investors believe professional money managers are like gods. In a hot streak, they can create profits seemingly out of thin air. After all, they have access to some of the best brains and research in the world. But of course, all they are
dAs you know, my view is that 99.999% of traders/gurus/pundits have the cart before the horse in how they believe the financial markets function. They believe that when a bullish or bearish piece of news hits the markets, they must react accordingly. But as we
Who would have thought a few years ago when crude was trading above $100 that the Fledgling Frackers in the USA – that everyone was laughing at back then – would come to dominate the entire energy market for fossil fuels? Today, it is the