Tag: eur/usd

GBP takes a pound-ing

GBP takes a pound-ing

Regular readers know that I make a special focus on forecasting major trend changes in my swing trading approach. Not only does that give me the opportunity to take maximum profits from the old trend, but also gives  me the ability to jump on the

Confusion reigns!

Confusion reigns!

When stocks make major highs, they do not all do it lockstep.  And I believe a major high is upon us.  But isn’t it curious that sentiment between the professional money managers and the public appears to be poles apart?  Not when you accept that

May-hem in Westminster!

May-hem in Westminster!

I am no great devotee of the political scene, except for light relief from trading, but the campaign waged by the ruling party in Thursday’s elections must rank as one of the most incompetent ever.  Not only that but Labour,  who could -and did –

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GBP Pound sterling